
Airship better than a road

Wake up, northerners! Where is the money to pay for the promised road to Nunavut? Wake up, southerners! The price tag of between $2 billion and $3 billion is money not spent on the crumbling streets and deteriorating roads of Manitoba. No amount of jiggery-pokery can produce a viable business case for this road. This is why we have seen zero interest in this scheme from the government of Canada. A bad idea by smart people is still a bad idea.

At the recent Arctic Gateway Summit, some conference observers may have concluded that the road to Nunavut is a foregone conclusion. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is naive to suggest that if any idea for northern development is put forward, the federal government will collaborate and support it. See full article here

Written by admin in: Airship News,Environment,General |
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