

The Airship Prize is also focussed on the development of a viable airship transport industry in order to reintroduce low emission, or potentially develop zero emission, transport airships allowing global commerce to continue to grow and flourish in a sustainable manner.

Regardless of where you and your company stand on the global warming issue, there appears to be no doubt that all jurisdictions will introduce some form of cap and trade or carbon taxes to reduce the impact on the global environment.

Many are not yet aware that 75% of most companies carbon footprint comes from their supply chain and the lion’s share of this is related to the physical transport of their raw materials and finished goods to manufacturing and ultimately global markets.

So what viable alternatives are out there to bring this about? Our view is the transport airship may be the most likely and effective answer to dramatically reduce the carbon output of global supply chains.

In addition, other benefits of inventory reduction may be realized based on the speedier transport of transoceanic shipments via airship in a week or less, versus the four to five weeks currently utilizing cargo container ships.

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